Hospital Network Will Save $20M On Energy Expenses Through Redaptive Efficiency Upgrade Program

The Challenge

A Healthcare client needed a capital investment and turnkey manager to replace multiple non-compliant, high risk-of-failure, central plant installations in their facilities. In addition, they needed to upgrade and replace old lighting systems. Failure of the critical equipment could have resulted in the shutdown of operations and the customer turned to Redaptive to streamline an otherwise longer-term CAPEX cycle.

The Solution

Redaptive provided the capital and developed a comprehensive four step plan to address the aging infrastructure including: removal of old boilers replaced with 2 new 400-HP boilers, including water treatment, renovate old IT space to a new chiller building and install 3 x 730 ton high-efficiency cooling towers, install a new 6000kVa backup generator, upgrade electrical controls to provide performance monitoring of new equipment, and install 3 new roofs.




SF Addressed


Assets Replaced

The Impact

The non-CAPEX Redaptive program increased facility resilience and resulted in a significant reduction in energy costs. The reduced electricity consumption eliminates 24,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions over the service term.

office building
$4M 10-Yr

Gross Energy Savings

35M 10-Yr Reduction

in kWh consumption

24K Metric tons of CO2e

avoided over service term

57K CO2e equivalent

in barrels of oil, avoided over service term

3K CO2e equivalent

to homes’ electricity use over service term

Customer success stories

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By removing all capital barriers, we scale portfolio-sized projects faster. We can seamlessly add your solutions into our programs to create more options for our customers.